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Media Library

Media Library

menu Menu: Content / Media Library
Feature Feature: Media
Editions Editions: Cloud, Corporate, Store

You can use the media library to manage images and other media that is managed with POS.

The media library provides the following features to organize your media:

  • Organize files within folders, including nested subfolders.
  • Add or delete folders.
  • Search for media by file name.
  • Sort media by name, modification date, size or type.
  • View media.
  • Upload media files.
  • Move, rename and delete files.
  • Select multiple files (e.g. for deletion) (use the shift or ctrl keys for multi-select).
Bulk Upload

Instead of using the Media Library user interface to add several media files, consider using POS Import to add them instead. The import function is more efficient than the media library when attempting to add large numbers of files.

Special Folders

Depending on your permissions level, the Media Library contains several pre-defined folders which require special consideration. You can view media contained in these files, but otherwise should NOT re-arrange or otherwise edit the media files.

These folders are:

  • _Users contains user-related media, typically arranged in their own folders.
  • landing page contains stock images for the landing page feature.
  • mediafields contains images that are owned by specific content items.
    • The media are arranged by content type and internal ID of the content item that owns the media.
    • The best way to manage these files is within the media selector while editing the content item.