Manage License
This page will show the current Fusion licensing status for the server, or if the server is not licensed, the steps that are needed to acquire a license.
a) Acquiring a License
If the server is not licensed yet, there should be a series of instructions explaining how to obtain a license for the installation. The steps are:
- In a separate tab, login to the Authorization server, choose the organization to manage, and then choose 602>Authorize Device.
- Choose the device that you want to license from the 602>Device drop down list.
- Switch back to the browser tab that displays the 602>License Management page. Choose 602>Next.
- The license management page will now show a 602>User Code value. Copy this value to the clipboard.
- Switch to the Authorization server tab and paste the user code value into the 602>UserCode field. Choose 602>Authorize and confirm any prompts to complete the authorization.
- Once again, switch back to the license management browser tab. Choose 602>Complete Authorization to complete the license acquisition.
Upon successful authorization, the license management page will contain details about the license.
b) License Details
Once a server is licensed, the Manage License page will show the following fields:
- License Status
- This should be 602>Licensed for a valid license.
- 602>Requires Renewal indicates the license is nearing its renewal date. The license must be updated at the Fusion Authorization server.
- 602>Expired – Requires Renewal indicates the license has already expired. The license must be removed & re-acquired from the Fusion Authorization server.
- Server ID
- The server ID identifies the server in the Fusion Authorization server, enabling other POS servers and registers to connect to the server.
- License Renewal Date
- Optional – indicates the date by which the license must be renewed.
- Features
- This is typically only 602>xms for POS servers.
- Hub Server Name
- The name of the server that this server connects to, as entered at the Authorization server.
- Hub Server URL
- The URL of the server that this server connects to, as entered at the Authorization server.
- Token Expiry:
- Licensing requires a periodic connection to the internet; this date indicates when a new license token must be obtained from the Authorization server.
- A warning is displayed if the token expiry date is near; if this happens, the POS server should be re-connected to the internet to obtain fresh license tokens.
License tokens are part of the mechanism used to authenticate register-to-server and server-to-server communications with POS. As part of security best practices, the tokens expire after short periods of time (usually days), and are refreshed automatically when an internet connection is available.
A permanent internet connection is not required.