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Landing Page

Landing Page

Menu Menu: Manage POS / Landing Page
Feature Feature: POS Default Theme
Editions Editions: Cloud, Corporate, Store

The Landing Page settings enables you to provide custom content for the main page of your public-facing POS site.

a) Page Layout

The landing page layout consists of two sections: banners and features.


Banners are one or more images that are displayed at the top of the landing page. If multiple images are provided, they will be automatically scrolled like an image gallery.

You can optionally provide text that is displayed on top of each image.

Some recommendations for banner images are:

  • Use transparent PNG images
  • Use an image height of 350 pixels (or a multiple of 350)
  • Image width can be variable, but ensure that the image looks good if it is down-sized for its height to fit 350 pixels.
  • Keep image file size low

Features are call-outs that are displayed below the image banners. These are typically used to describe the site, and/or provide links to common features.

You will typically want to display multiple features. Each feature includes:

  • A Title to describe the feature.
  • An image that represents the feature.
  • Markdown text containing a longer description of the feature.
  • An optional URL that is displayed in the browser when the user clicks or taps the feature.

Recommendations for feature images are:

  • Use transparent PNG images
  • Image dimensions of 100 x 75 pixels (or multiples of those values)
  • Keep image file size low
b) Site Home Page

To make the landing page the home page of your site, you must:

  • Enter a value for the Permalink property. A good value is home, although the value will be ignored when you set the page as the homepage.
  • Select the Set as homepage option.
  • Publish the landing page.

The Set as homepage option can appear on other custom content types, although Fusion doesn’t currently support the use of custom content types to build your POS site. To remove the landing page from being the site home page, you would select Set as homepage on another content item to make it the home page.

If you want to revert to the standard Fusion home page – which displays the Fusion logo and image – you can perform the following steps:

  • Navigate to the Recipes page.
  • Run the POS Theme Fix default route recipe.
  • Unpublish or delete the landing page, if desired.
c) See Also