Fusion POS users are created for anyone that logs in to the system. This includes salespersons, fulfillment clerks and client manager. It even includes customers that have a membership account with the client, either through the Fusion Cart App or ecommerce area of Fusion POS.
a) Adding Users
For a salesperson or other client clerk, you can manually create the User account and assigned to the appropriate permissions role.
- If the system is integrated with an ERP (e.g. via an ASI), and the account is for a Salesperson, ensure the account’s username matches the salesperson ID in the ERP. The checkout process will use this salesperson ID when saving Order Pad orders created by this salesperson, but only if their username matches.
- Otherwise, if the user is for a clerk that also uses the Windows Register, ensure the account’s username matches the clerk ID in the POS. In this case the checkout process will use this clerk ID when saving Order Pad orders, but only if their username matches.
- If the username does not match a salesperson ID or clerk ID, the default clerk ID specified in POS settings will be used for any orders.
You should not create user accounts for customer memberships. These are created automatically when a customer registers as a member.
b) Editing Users
Once created, a user account can be edited by clicking the Edit button beside the user.
The fields are generally straight-forward in their purpose:
- Email – the user’s email address, used for email notifications.
- Roles – use this field to assign the permission roles of the user.
- Is Enabled – use this field to enable or disable the user’s ability to login. It is generally preferred to disable user accounts that are no longer active, over deleting them.
The Username field identifies the user’s login to POS, and requires special consideration given that it is potentially linked to other records and systems.
For customer memberships, the username is generally the email address that the customer originally registered.
Do not change user names for customer memberships. The username is used to link the user account to the customer’s membership. If the linkage is broken, the customer will not be able to login to their membership account.
Otherwise, exercise caution when changing the username of a clerk or salesperson. The username might be used to link the POS account to the Fusion POS and/or ERP system, and changes may break this linkage. See ‘Adding Users’ above.
The Email Confirmed field indicates whether the user’s email address has been confirmed. The field is only present if email verification has been enabled in the Registration Settings.
The email verification process is an important step for customer membership registration, to verify that the customer is in possession of the email account that they are registering.
If you know that the user’s email address is valid, you can select this field manually to bypass the email verification process.
c) Edit a Password
A manager or administrator can edit the user’s password via the Edit Password button located beside the user in the Users List.
d) Send Verification Email
If the user account Email Confirmed field is false, and email verification is enabled, the Send Verification Email button will be visible.
Click this button to re-send an email verification to the user’s email, to enable the user to verify their email address.
e) Deleting Users
Deleting user accounts is not recommended if the user has history associated with their account.
A user account can be deleted immediately if it was created in error, however.