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Configuring BigCommerce Better B2B

Configuring BigCommerce Better B2B

For Better B2B you need to publish the following three packages. To configure the BigCommerce Better B2B package you need to follow these steps.

  1. Save the .zip file of the BigCommerce B2B package to the local hard drive.
  2. Click on the left panel in Acumatica and select “More Items”.
  3. Click on [Customization]
Customization Option in Acumatica
Customization Option in Acumatica

4. You can follow this step instead of step 3. You can type [Customization] on the global search bar.

Option to Customize the Project
Option to Customize the Project

5. Select the BigCommerce B2B .zip file from the local system and click on [Upload].

Upload the file from the local machine
Upload the file from the local machine

6. Here KCF integration is used for the Better B2B. The highlighted 3 packages must be installed. For customization of BigCommerce Core, you need to install KNBCC.

click on the Save to publish

7. After publishing you need to click on the [Save] to publish the BigCommerce B2b package along with the Kensium Commerce Framework to the Acumatica instance.