Different type of Shipment

Different type of Shipment

Full Shipment

You can see the shipment’s success in Rithum Connector along with the tracking number, customer details, and total statistics.

Shipment Successful
Shipment Successful
Tracking number
Tracking number
Shipment Successful
Shipment Successful
Partial Shipment

If the customer placed an order for two quantities but you only have one, you can ship part of the quantity; once you get the quantity, you can ship the entire quantity.

You can see the shipments are partially shipped in Rithum Connector along with the tracking number, customer details, and total statistics.

Partial Shipment
Partial Shipment

As of now, only one of the two order quantities has been shipped; the remaining one should also be shipped.

  • In the Rithum Connector you can see the status of two items is marked as shipped.
Multiple Shipment

You can ship two orders at a time if they belong to the same warehouse.

You can see the shipment’s success in Rithum Connector along with the tracking number, customer details, and total statistics.
