Developer Key

Developer Key

  • You need to generate the Developer Key ID from a separate URL.
  • Link for Developer Key:
  • Click on the Link you will be redirected to a developer key page where you need to request the Developer Key.
  • Click on [Requesting a Developer Account].
Requesting a Developer Account
Requesting a Developer Account
  • You need to click on [Request an Account].
Request An Account
Request An Account
  • You need to fill in all the fields provided on the screen enable the check boxes and click on [submit request].
Details screen
Details screen
  • Upon clicking on the [Submit Request] you will receive an email to Activated the account
Mail Info
Mail Info
  • You will get a mail with the following info, and you need to click on [here] to activate the credentials.
Click on here
Click on ‘here’
  • Upon Clicking this link, it will take you to the Channel Advisor Connector page, where it states that the developer key was successfully activated.
  • You will receive an email after your account is officially activated.
Activated message
Activated message
  • You will get an email with a developer key.
  • You need to copy the [Developer Key] from the mail and paste it into the [Developer Key] field in the site configuration.
Developer Key
Developer Key
Enter Key and password
Enter Key and password